sábado, 21 de julho de 2018


Procedure for Safety

For many years, i have a procedure for using an electric angle grinder (esmerilhadeira angular elétrica).
Brazilians use calling it for "Makita".
That electric tool, has a no good fame to medics and nurses!...;
Because it always is cutting fingers, toes, feet, hands and others pieces of body :(
To avoid humam body injuries using it, i buy a model of 220 VAC, and use it plugged at 110 VAC.
This way, the tool works by using a half of the rated voltage, and a quarter of rated power, because P = V x I.
When you divide the voltage per 2, the current I is divide per 2 as well. So the electric power is divide by 4 after all!
P/4 = V/2 . I/2
That procedure increase the life time of the tool and avoid injuries.
By using that power level, you can do most comum services, using less electricity.
Less power means less danger!

We provide electrical engineering advisory.

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